Opencart - Free shipping by category
Opencart – Free shipping by category

Opencart module to calculate shipping cost by category. This plugin allows eCommerce managers to set a fixed fee for each category. The total shipping fees end up to be the highest price among all categories shipping fees.

For example, if a customer has 3 products in his cart as follows:

  • product A from category A
  • product B from category A
  • product C from category B

The shipping fees set for each category are:

  • 3,00 € for category A
  • 5,00 € for category B

The final shipping fees will be 5 €.

Sources available on GitHub.

Opencart - Free shipping over total
Opencart – Free shipping over total

Opencart module to calculate shipping fees based on cart sub-total. This plugin allows eCommerce managers to gift free shipping over a certain subtotal (minimum value defined by them) of the customers’ cart.

The display name is set to “Raccomandata” (an Italian shipment method) but you can change this easily to fit your needs.

For example, if the threshold is set to 80,00 € and a customer has products in his cart for a subtotal of 78,00 €, the shipping will not be free. Otherwise, when the subtotal reaches 80,00 € or higher, the shipping is free.

Sources available on GitHub.


  • UI/UX Design
  • Opencart modules development